Purchase a Membership
Purchasing a Group membership is the best way to help LLL in your community. Your membership dollars will go directly to the Group of your choice. LLL Ohio memberships are also available and benefit LLL Ohio in its support of all of the volunteer Leaders and Groups in Ohio.
No PayPal account needed! Use your credit or debit card.
Donate to LLL Ohio
Donate to LLL Ohio today, and help increase support for breastfeeding families throughout the state. Donations provide the volunteer Leaders who work every day to provide accurate information and compassionate support for breastfeeding with the ongoing support and resources they need. LLL Ohio donors will be honored with a special thank you and optional mention on this page.
La Leche League of Ohio is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and all donations are tax-deductible. Please contact afc@lllohio.org for more information.
Payments are processed by PayPal, but a PayPal account is not required to compete transactions.